Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Month 3 completed, next phase begins!

I would call this a "full" 12 wrap up because technically, I didn't get started on my diet/fitness program until Monday the 14th of May. So, my month 3 program ended on Sunday. I ended up finishing at 187.6 which was nice, giving me around 16lbs lost in three months. I took a few days off from my training routine, had a nice cheat meal and got the body ready for month 4 which it needed.

Also, I'm a couple of days into my new routine for month 4 and I'm pretty excited about it. It is a little toned down as far as hard metabolic/conditioning work, and is more of a "traditional" strength/bodybuilding routine. I guess I can't talk smack about everybody's Monday "Chest and Back" routine anymore since that's what I did yesterday, for the first time in ever. It was refreshing and very cool though, it'll be a nice change up from the non-traditional workouts I've been doing (which really took it's toll on my body).

Cardio frequency overall is toned down a but, but I'm going to be doing HIIT Sprint sessions which are the toughest cardio I've ever done.

Nutritionally, I'm going down on calories a bit and am not going to have any cheat days (boo), though I will probably have a couple of mini-cheat meals where I have a frozen pizza or something but still stay within my macros for the day. Still doing the 16/8 IF thing which I honestly feel like I'm going to be doing some variation of for the rest of my life.

Here's to continuing to drop some fat and maybe build some muscle this month!

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